Thursday, March 25, 2010

"A Great Read" (Insert Ellipse Here)

Swimming through the breeze and trees of leaves...

seeing the grand scheme.

And you will know me by the trail of mind altering substances...

...and moral sustenance.

I'll be forever putting sentences together, ending them with an ellipse...

...until I eclipse...

...the so-called hits...

even if it's just for a little bit...

Within the proximity of exclusivity,

yet simultaneously on the brink of completely uniting.

So what do I think?

Well, I think about alotta shit,
so you'll have to get more specific...

The grand scheme? I get it.

Ongoing light beams-infinite.

This planet's a place for the priveleged, but the individuals who are driven will, in due time, discover their niche.

Who's with it?

"Beauty Does Not Oppose The Revolution." -Che Guevera

People out there who hate the elite,
but can't distinguish relevant from obselete...

Treat ourselves to a see through view.

Shit, who knew it would get to this?
Oh wait...

There's the bell, and class dismissed...

Feed the Dream

"Got some change? Got a light?"

To change the world,
it takes all types.

Buy the record, take a bite.

Reverberating sound
human beings unite.
Recurring themes,
reconfiguring dreams.
Hence the hunger,
the acknowledged appetite...

Arrested Development: Consider Yourself Warned


Three words, one meaning. One all-time best. And Arrested Development, with yes only three seasons under its visionary belt, takes and wears the crown.

The humor precise, the satire perfectly subtle yet in your face simultaneously, the characters unique yet somehow strangely familiar...the list goes on to justify such an elusive title as best TV show in the history of TV shows.

But if you've never seen the show (and for some odd reason you're reading my blog here) SEE IT NOW! Ask your much cooler friends to borrow their DVD collections. Rent the complete series from start to finish. NetFlix that shit. Hulu. Whatever. I don't care how you get your hands on this phenomenon. Just get your eyes and ears on the best show owe it to yourself. Remember, you've been warned.

(Insert Chicken Impression Here)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Thing of the Passed

Say goodbye to the values of the 1960s.
Say goodbye to the last real chance
at revolution in this country.
Say goodbye to the Fore Fathers,
they're from a long time ago - before blotters.
Say goodbye to the 1760s...

But wait!

The Eternal Optimist strikes again!

Like Optimus Prime in his prime
Rewind in order to find
Not too slow, not too fast--
A wowing vow to never let idealism become
a thing of the past.
Don't let history repeat itself; let the bullshit die as a thing of the passed...

( )

Everyone's got their own writing style.
Mine is made up mostly of a magical mindstate
predominantly of a certain psyche...

Impossible to bite me.


for an indescribable sensation,
an unexplainable phenomenon...

Plunging into a perfect circle.

Pacing myself on these paginated pieces of paper

during which a Prayer for Awareness
manifests itself on the surface down
through the roots, to the bone, the core
until I bore:

A Prayer for Awareness

Awareness of self. Awareness of others. Awareness of Nature.

Social awareness,
Musical sharing
Political awareness,
Musical chairs and shit
Spiritual awareness,
Musical wearing of a heart on a sleeve; an uncommon sight.
Beware of dog; it may bite... ... ...